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(1 edit)

Is it possible to get the games song names or something because I want to add them to my music playlist

Will any of your games have impreg? I don't mean someone already being pregnant, I mean actively knocking them up during the course of the game.

I think so, in the older ones not so much but in the new one it will definitely come

ntr planned?


Important questions: will there be a HAREM? And is the content forced or can it be avoided? This is what I mean about some fetishes or tags that are sometimes presented in the game that are not to everyone's liking (lesbian, ntr, femdom, etc)


It's your decision, if you don't like "Lesbian" just follow a different Path, same as for Harem.

NTR is never in a game from me, same as femdom, domination etc. 

Im really enjoying this game alot. Hope u never end making updates to this. I look forward to whats to come.

We need a fix for Android too. :)

Follow's, I got it this Night but.. sorry I felt asleep :(

*I post it later

No proplem. We happy that you working on this good game. Big respect. :)

I've played Maou-Sama and Deadlocked in time and enjoyed them both. I am inclined to play this game but based on the description I am a bit confused. Are there multiple MC the male MC and his wife or a single male MC? I've personally not been a fan of multiple MC games. Clarification would be greatly appreciated.


No maybe I wrote it wrong, there are only one MC, sometimes you follow your Mom too, just to get more story